The weather has been so strange these days- all around the world! From the tsunami in Asia to the severe wind, snow and ice storms in Scandinavia to the unusually warm temperatures here in the Czech Republic! It is good to remember that God is still in control, and that though things may seem strange they have always been this way in one way or another. I read a quote the other day about how we are just living in ordinary times- that people all through history have had these same thoughts and these feelings that we are having these days... 'the end must be closer'... 'Jesus must be coming back soon'... 'why is there so much suffering in the world today?'... all these thoughts and questions have been asked before probably by your grandparents and their parents before them. That is why I tend to agree that we are living in ordinary times- but at the same time we are living in Holy times! This same author of the quote also said that we are living in Holy times- in fact she says: "There never was a more holy time than ours, and never a less." I like that as well! Anyway, I say all of that to simply say, lets not lose hope or just stare at the sky, waiting for the clouds to part... when they part we will know it and all our questions will be answered- but until then lets keep at this 'ordinary' life- daring to live life as He intended us to live it- to the fullest! He has given us abundant life- we just have to live it!
Well, I wasn't planning on writing all of that, just sort of came out but what I did want to write was that because the weather has been abnormally warm these days it has enabled me to get back out on the trail and start running again! I love this time of the day, when I am out there running! For me it is a time that I get to spend with God and because I am running and out of breath it gives God time to speak to me without me butting in! And though sometimes it feels like I am not thinking about anything but the sound of my own foot steps as they hit the ground... I know that He is speaking things to my heart that I will discover later! And so I find comfort out there on the trail- I find strength to keep going- I meet Him out there! And find myself thinking and praying for others much more than myself! It's a real gift that God has given me these days to just find time to run, get in shape, but just to spend time with Him! He is God over everything! Including this wandering heart of mine!
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