I want to introduce you to Jan (John in English). I visited Jan's home yesterday while waiting for my friends in Prague. I didn't know it was his home when I went there, I was just trying to find a place to sit. So I found this place next to Jan, and without knowing it, I was invited into his home and shown hospitality. He entertained me by feeding some pigeons, which later I found out were his friends, and we shared a conversation that I will not soon forget! Jan has been living at the bottom of Václavské Náměstí (a famous square in Prague) by a metro station for the past 15 years. This place I found to sit and wait has become his home.
When I sat down I couldn't help but notice Jan, the way he was dressed the food he was eating, and the way others avoided him or stared at him. I sat there a while watching and genuinely enjoying watching him feed the birds. It was that action that sort of broke the ice for us... he spoke first in telling me they were his friends and from there we had a nice conversation about life and what brought us both to this moment in life. He told me about his family who refuses to speak with him, but how it doesn't matter now because he has everything that he needs. He told me of his many friends who give him money, food, and clothes. When I asked him if there was anything he needed, his reply was quick- he had all that he needed. We continued talking until he crossed the square and laid down in the shade to take a late morning nap.
The rest of the day I spent walking around Prague and could not get Jan out of my thoughts. We went to a market and were just walking around looking at all the things to buy that we didn't need... my thoughts were still with Jan and I could picture him there sitting in his home eating out of a can with just a knife... and then we walked past a vendor who was selling, among other things, SPOONS! So I stopped and asked if I could just buy one spoon and so after laying down a hefty 4 Czech crowns (15 US cents) I walked away from the market place a proud owner of a simple small spoon! Soon we were back close to Jan's home and I went for another visit and gave him this spoon...
He grabbed my hand, kissed it, thanked me and slipped the spoon into his shirt pocket. I said goodbye and walked away. I know he said he didn't need anything, but sometimes things we need are not the big things in life, but the simple things... like a spoon. I am not sure who was sent to whom yesterday! God showed me many things through my brief interaction with Jan. Even though Jan didn’t want to talk about God, my prayer is that he will find that he needs Jesus! Sometimes I don’t think we always realize what we have need of until we receive something then we realize we had need of that all along... Sort of like Salvation- most of us had no clue we were in such great need of being saved... But once we were given salvation (which cost a lot more then 4 Czech crowns) we realized and are realizing just how much we need it, how much we ARE in need of HIM!
If you ever go to Prague look for Jan- he will be sitting there probably waiting- waiting for his next meal that he can share with the pigeons, or waiting for another year to go by, or simply waiting for one more person to come and share the love of Christ with him... Jan has a great need... But we are no different at all... We are waiting just like him! We have needs just like he has! And we each need Jesus just as much as my new friend, Jan, needs Jesus! God has the same love to give to each of us! May we go on in His love! What are we waiting for?
This weekend in Plzen has been a History weekend, the streets are full of people going to different events in the center. There are numerous concerts, cultural dances, historical reenactments, sword fighting and many products both old and new for sale! Unlike most weekends here in Plzen when the streets are empty and you have your choice of bench to sit and rest on, this weekend the streets are packed and every bench taken with people celebrating the past.
I don't know really how much anybody is really celebrating the History as much as they are just using this time to get together and celebrate! Whatever the case it is a reminder for me to not forget the past. There is so much that we can learn from the past, from those who have walked before us! Here in Czech they have a long history and a very rich history at that! The dominating powers that came in a took over for the last couple of centuries, are not all that lie in Czech History. Some of the richest history that they posses is the Moravian Brethren movement. A group of solid believers who took off and went into the whole world with the Gospel. WHY? Not because they were devoted to the cause of seeing the name of Jesus proclaimed around the world, but because they were devoted to Jesus. This is a history we would love to see repeat itself! And it is good to remember on a weekend like this weekend that History is really something that we create today, the good and the bad. Today will soon be over but will forever be edged in History... WHAT WILL OUR HISTORY LOOK LIKE? Will we leave a history that should be repeated? Maybe we should go for that, and like the Moravian Brethren just be more concerned with being devoted to Jesus then to any cause!
I don't know really how much anybody is really celebrating the History as much as they are just using this time to get together and celebrate! Whatever the case it is a reminder for me to not forget the past. There is so much that we can learn from the past, from those who have walked before us! Here in Czech they have a long history and a very rich history at that! The dominating powers that came in a took over for the last couple of centuries, are not all that lie in Czech History. Some of the richest history that they posses is the Moravian Brethren movement. A group of solid believers who took off and went into the whole world with the Gospel. WHY? Not because they were devoted to the cause of seeing the name of Jesus proclaimed around the world, but because they were devoted to Jesus. This is a history we would love to see repeat itself! And it is good to remember on a weekend like this weekend that History is really something that we create today, the good and the bad. Today will soon be over but will forever be edged in History... WHAT WILL OUR HISTORY LOOK LIKE? Will we leave a history that should be repeated? Maybe we should go for that, and like the Moravian Brethren just be more concerned with being devoted to Jesus then to any cause!
New Beginnings!
It’s that time of the year again- I’m not talking about summer vacation or even the end of school. It’s allergy season again!!! And even though I am sneezing and have itchy eyes, it is a small price to pay to have been able to enjoy the flowers and the trees and watching new life come! And I know that without this season we could not keep on enjoying new flowers and new trees and their coming to life. I was in the mountains of Romania this past week for a conference! It was such a beautiful time there, surrounded by the mountains! But the dandelions which were dying taught me maybe the most and I am just realizing it now! Dandelions are not always welcome and to someone like me who struggles with allergies they don’t help so much... But what a great picture they are to me! They spring up and then each flower turns itself to a seed which then is carried by the wind sometimes miles away until it is rooted in the ground and begins the life process again! But before the wind can take it, the flower must die- the seed must be dead! Only then can it grow and continue on in the multiplication process! The dandelions taught me that I, like them, must become a seed. It is not enough to stay a flower for myself. I must die so that more life will come. Though the death I am talking about is not a physical death, but rather a death to my own ideas, even good ideas, and letting God become the wind which will pick me up and plant me where He wants me! So that I can grow up into a flower which will again die and again spread life! This spreading of new life is a way of new beginnings. Maybe the seeds of the dandelion are spread miles away and maybe they fall just beside the place they were... Whichever the case a new beginning happens! And I am finding myself in that place of new beginnings. The place where I am dying daily to myself and being planted so I can again grow! And what is great is that like the dandelion- who can’t blow it’s own seeds but has to wait for the wind... I am and have been waiting for the breath of God to come and blow and do the spreading! And that season is here! God is spreading me and I put my trust and hope in Him to ground me and do the growing so that I can again be blown and fall to the ground and die for the sake of more life! His life! May we multiply like the dandelion and spread His life through the fields that need a splash of Life! In the words of Peter Pan “To die will be an awfully big adventure.” -James M. Barrie
"... The seed you put in the ground must die before it can come to life."(1 Corinthians 15:36)
"... The seed you put in the ground must die before it can come to life."(1 Corinthians 15:36)
NIKO IS OVER! Or is it? I think the end of the NIKO is just the time where most of the learning begins! So many things are experienced on a NIKO: being wet, being hungry, being tired and sore, being frustrated, being happy, being confused, there are moments of joy and pain, moments of realization of yourself, moments of getting closer to God and moments of growing as a team and the list goes on! Challenges are faced together as a team and they are overcome! And then suddenly just as quickly as the NIKO started it is finished! Life is re-entered and one is faced with the biggest challenge of all: To not settle back into life the way it has been, but to rise to the challenge to live today surrendered to God, giving up all our rights to Jesus... To live today in the realization that WE are just part of the bigger picture- we are a part of the body of Christ and we are to live and work as a unit, as a Team... To live today as servants, truly giving of ourselves to serve others and ultimately to serve our King because we are sure of who we are in Him!... To live today in celebration of how far God has taken us and how He has blessed us along the way! This is where NIKO, I think, begins! The challenge to really LIVE... To conquer and to overcome the challenges we are sure to face today and to do it together! So even though the first NIKO in the Czech Republic has ended, I believe the greatest challenge has now been handed to us... To LIVE!
The Final Farewell
It's strange how seeing something for the last time can be like seeing something for the first time all over again! This past Saturday I had the privilege and great honor of going one last time to the refugee camp that we have been going to for 5 years. This trip was one I was eager to make but knew that it would be extremely emotional. On the way to the camp we passed through the same villages that we have passed through every month for some time now, but this time not knowing if we would ever pass through them again. The refugee camp is being closed, and the remaining residents are being sent to other camps in the Czech Republic. As we pulled into the camp, immediately faces of so many people that I have met through the years started flashing before my eyes. Conversations had were being replayed in my head, and moments of joy and deep sorrow were being remembered in my heart. In these last 5 years I have met people from around the world- people I will not soon forget! Some people I have only met once but still I have a picture of them in my mind and on my heart. Others I have met time and time again and can call them friends. But still others I have watched grow up; had coffee and tea and sweets with them; I have held their hands; I have wiped their tears; I have laughed deeply in their rooms; and I have hugged often. These have become my family. So this trip was more then just an Easter program for the kids. It was, for me, one more time to simply open my heart and let them sink down deeper and it was a time to reflect, AGAIN, God's love to them. And in a way it was saying goodbye to family! But the good thing about family is that they are never too far away to visit! My prayer is that God will cross our paths and bring us the joy of once again laughing together, maybe in this world- I would love that... But my HOPE goes much deeper than that! Heaven always has room for more laughter! Amen!
As we pulled away, after being able to visit every family and distribute socks to each refugee, I realized an other chapter in my life's book was ending. This chapter has taken the last 5 years to write, and even though I turn the page and am eager to read and walk through the pages of what is ahead of me... I know deep within that these people... faces... names... friends... these MY FAMILY will be with me as the next chapters are scribbled down. I have learned countless lessons in that camp and am different today because of it. With one last look, we pulled away and gave our 'Final Farewell' to Cerveny Ujezd. We can't say that we will ever be back there, but we are sure to go on... On with His love to new places and wherever we end up reflecting His love- we will hope for more faces to again become OUR FAMILY!
As we pulled away, after being able to visit every family and distribute socks to each refugee, I realized an other chapter in my life's book was ending. This chapter has taken the last 5 years to write, and even though I turn the page and am eager to read and walk through the pages of what is ahead of me... I know deep within that these people... faces... names... friends... these MY FAMILY will be with me as the next chapters are scribbled down. I have learned countless lessons in that camp and am different today because of it. With one last look, we pulled away and gave our 'Final Farewell' to Cerveny Ujezd. We can't say that we will ever be back there, but we are sure to go on... On with His love to new places and wherever we end up reflecting His love- we will hope for more faces to again become OUR FAMILY!
First Day of Spring & Palm Sunday!
I know, I know! It has been a while since I last posted anything! Sorry for that, but thanks for noticing!
Spring is here! The sun is shining the coats are being shed and the days are getting longer! Wonderful!
Today is the first day of spring and I am so glad that it looks and feels like spring out there, otherwise it would be hard to believe that Spring is already here. And with the coming of Spring comes the time of year, again, when we focus on LIFE! And this being Palm Sunday, I am so glad that we can focus on the Living King of Kings! We are surrounded by Life- Life that He, our King, chose to give us! May we seize today, and tomorrow if it comes, and Live out the TRUE life He died and conquered death to give us! One day at a time... Lets keep living; Lets keep loving!
"We are here to love. And the enemy of love is self-consciousness. -Tom Jackson
Spring is here! The sun is shining the coats are being shed and the days are getting longer! Wonderful!
Today is the first day of spring and I am so glad that it looks and feels like spring out there, otherwise it would be hard to believe that Spring is already here. And with the coming of Spring comes the time of year, again, when we focus on LIFE! And this being Palm Sunday, I am so glad that we can focus on the Living King of Kings! We are surrounded by Life- Life that He, our King, chose to give us! May we seize today, and tomorrow if it comes, and Live out the TRUE life He died and conquered death to give us! One day at a time... Lets keep living; Lets keep loving!
"We are here to love. And the enemy of love is self-consciousness. -Tom Jackson
Good Bye Winter!
Last weekend I had the opportunity to go to the mountains in the North of Czech. I hadn't seen that much snow the entire winter put together! It was beautiful and a good way to say good bye to the winter!
Let me introduce you to the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. James Hathaway! On the 12th of February 2005 James asked Julia (my roommate now for the last nearly 3 years) to marry him... And she said YES!!!! So we have had some super exciting news over here in Czech! This marriage will be more than a union of two people and two hearts- it will be a union of two nations as well! James is an American, and Julia a Russian born and raised in Kazakhstan! Whether you believe that God has one perfect match for you or that there can be many perfect matches... It is easy to see that God brought these two together and that He is in the center of their relationship! I could not be more happy for them, and wanted to show them off to you! I will be losing the best roommate I could ask for, but will be gaining a pretty amazing brother! Pretty good deal! And it is just one more place I know I will always be welcomed no matter where they end up living!!! It is great to have such good friends and be around for the beginning of their lives together! May they truly enjoy their journey together as much as their destination!
The rolling Galloway Hills of Scotland
One great part about being able to take part on a NIKO in Scotland was that it was just so pretty! I am not sure I have ever seen such green everywhere! This picture makes it look like summer, but let me remind you it was NOT summer and was very cold and wet! But still somehow my heart always seemed to find something to thank God for, and often it was just what I was looking at, from the rolling Galloway Hills to the faces of the people I was with! And I learned again that there is always something to be thankful for- even when my feet are wet and cold for the 3rd day straight!
NIKO: to conquer, to overcome
Well, I survived! Two weeks ago I went to Scotland where I staffed a NIKO. NIKO is Greek for: to conquer, to overcome; and that is just what happened. The NIKO is 4 1/2 days or so of intense teambuilding, surrendering rights, and servant hood- which is experienced in an extreme way of being in the great outdoors and facing different challenges! These challenges take place in all spheres of our lives: physical (as there is a lot of physical challenges and lots of hiking and things like that), mental & emotional (many things to overcome inside), and spiritual (we are challenged to go deeper in our relationships with God, both on an individual level and as the body of Christ). These 4 1/2 days feel much longer then they are, but are such an amazing time of growing and stretching and learning; we leave changed, even as staff!
This picture is of the team I was, what we call, a shadow for. We were with this group nearly all the time and had many great conversations and we learned together- and most of all we had so much fun doing all of it together! We were an international team (even our small part of the larger group)- we were from America (Me), Scotland, South Africa, New Zealand, and England and then my shadow partner (fellow staff) who was from Sweden!
I hope to share more in a later entry, but God's hand of protection was with us and we were kept safe through all the challenges and were kept safe in spite of the rain and cold temperatures, snow, sleet, and hail that also visited us, as well as high winds that seemed to plow over many big trees! God took people from many backgrounds and many places and joined our hearts together for this time and managed to catch our attention in many ways! He showed us more of Himself... or maybe we were just looking for Him more and found Him out there on the rolling, boggy, hills of Scotland!
This picture is of the team I was, what we call, a shadow for. We were with this group nearly all the time and had many great conversations and we learned together- and most of all we had so much fun doing all of it together! We were an international team (even our small part of the larger group)- we were from America (Me), Scotland, South Africa, New Zealand, and England and then my shadow partner (fellow staff) who was from Sweden!
I hope to share more in a later entry, but God's hand of protection was with us and we were kept safe through all the challenges and were kept safe in spite of the rain and cold temperatures, snow, sleet, and hail that also visited us, as well as high winds that seemed to plow over many big trees! God took people from many backgrounds and many places and joined our hearts together for this time and managed to catch our attention in many ways! He showed us more of Himself... or maybe we were just looking for Him more and found Him out there on the rolling, boggy, hills of Scotland!
On the Trail
The weather has been so strange these days- all around the world! From the tsunami in Asia to the severe wind, snow and ice storms in Scandinavia to the unusually warm temperatures here in the Czech Republic! It is good to remember that God is still in control, and that though things may seem strange they have always been this way in one way or another. I read a quote the other day about how we are just living in ordinary times- that people all through history have had these same thoughts and these feelings that we are having these days... 'the end must be closer'... 'Jesus must be coming back soon'... 'why is there so much suffering in the world today?'... all these thoughts and questions have been asked before probably by your grandparents and their parents before them. That is why I tend to agree that we are living in ordinary times- but at the same time we are living in Holy times! This same author of the quote also said that we are living in Holy times- in fact she says: "There never was a more holy time than ours, and never a less." I like that as well! Anyway, I say all of that to simply say, lets not lose hope or just stare at the sky, waiting for the clouds to part... when they part we will know it and all our questions will be answered- but until then lets keep at this 'ordinary' life- daring to live life as He intended us to live it- to the fullest! He has given us abundant life- we just have to live it!
Well, I wasn't planning on writing all of that, just sort of came out but what I did want to write was that because the weather has been abnormally warm these days it has enabled me to get back out on the trail and start running again! I love this time of the day, when I am out there running! For me it is a time that I get to spend with God and because I am running and out of breath it gives God time to speak to me without me butting in! And though sometimes it feels like I am not thinking about anything but the sound of my own foot steps as they hit the ground... I know that He is speaking things to my heart that I will discover later! And so I find comfort out there on the trail- I find strength to keep going- I meet Him out there! And find myself thinking and praying for others much more than myself! It's a real gift that God has given me these days to just find time to run, get in shape, but just to spend time with Him! He is God over everything! Including this wandering heart of mine!
Well, I wasn't planning on writing all of that, just sort of came out but what I did want to write was that because the weather has been abnormally warm these days it has enabled me to get back out on the trail and start running again! I love this time of the day, when I am out there running! For me it is a time that I get to spend with God and because I am running and out of breath it gives God time to speak to me without me butting in! And though sometimes it feels like I am not thinking about anything but the sound of my own foot steps as they hit the ground... I know that He is speaking things to my heart that I will discover later! And so I find comfort out there on the trail- I find strength to keep going- I meet Him out there! And find myself thinking and praying for others much more than myself! It's a real gift that God has given me these days to just find time to run, get in shape, but just to spend time with Him! He is God over everything! Including this wandering heart of mine!
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