Originally uploaded by Nikocrash.
NIKO IS OVER! Or is it? I think the end of the NIKO is just the time where most of the learning begins! So many things are experienced on a NIKO: being wet, being hungry, being tired and sore, being frustrated, being happy, being confused, there are moments of joy and pain, moments of realization of yourself, moments of getting closer to God and moments of growing as a team and the list goes on! Challenges are faced together as a team and they are overcome! And then suddenly just as quickly as the NIKO started it is finished! Life is re-entered and one is faced with the biggest challenge of all: To not settle back into life the way it has been, but to rise to the challenge to live today surrendered to God, giving up all our rights to Jesus... To live today in the realization that WE are just part of the bigger picture- we are a part of the body of Christ and we are to live and work as a unit, as a Team... To live today as servants, truly giving of ourselves to serve others and ultimately to serve our King because we are sure of who we are in Him!... To live today in celebration of how far God has taken us and how He has blessed us along the way! This is where NIKO, I think, begins! The challenge to really LIVE... To conquer and to overcome the challenges we are sure to face today and to do it together! So even though the first NIKO in the Czech Republic has ended, I believe the greatest challenge has now been handed to us... To LIVE!